Letters to Italy
Letters to Italy
Ep. 7 - Elisabetta Ghisini, Entrepreneur and President of COMITES SF
The seventh episode of "Letters to Italy" by Sara Marinelli features Elisabetta Ghisini, Entrepreneur and President of COMITES SF.
A long time resident of the Bay Area and a very active member in the Italian community, Elisabetta shares how after the first initial moments of crisis due to the shock of the pandemic devastating her native Italian region of Lombardy, she was then able to turn this time of upheaval in opportunities for personal growth, for new professional adventures, and for a re-assessment of COMITES' priorities and projects that would sustain the Italian community during the Covid-19 emergency.
Episode notes
Producer/Editor: Sara Marinelli
Website for Sara Marinelli: www.saramarinelli.com
IG: @saramarinelli1
Website for COMITES: www.sfcomites.org
Website for Elisabetta Ghisini's company: www.continuumlab.ai
This series was made possible thanks to the support of COMITES of San Francisco and the Italian Consulate of San Francisco, with funding from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.