Letters to Italy

Ep. 4 - Lorenzo Ortona, Consul General of Italy in San Francisco

Lorenzo Ortona, Consul General of Italy in San Francisco Season 1 Episode 4

The fourth episode of "Letters to Italy"  by Sara Marinelli features Lorenzo Ortona, Consul General of Italy in San Francisco.

Lorenzo Ortona recalls some of the most difficult moments the Italian diaspora on the West Coast went through when Italy was first hit by the pandemic, as well as the challenges that he and his team faced in support of the community.

As Lorenzo's mandate is set to end this June, he also considers some of the highlights of five years in office in the vast Consulate’s jurisdiction, and the legacy he leaves to the people he served and with whom he established strong and long-lasting relationships.

His is not only a letter to Italy, but also a message goodbye to the Italian community here.


Episode notes

In expressing his gratitude toward all the people who have supported him in many endeveaors during his tenure, Lorenzo Ortona would like to remember his friend Jeff Capaccio, founderand chairman of SVIEC,  Silicon Valley Italian Executive Council, who passed away suddenly in March 2021.

Producer/Editor: Sara Marinelli
Intro and outro music: “Hopeful Motivation” - James Yan
Website for Sara Marinelli: www.saramarinelli.com
Website for the Italian Consulate of San Francisco: www.conssanfrancisco.esteri.it

This series was made possible thanks to the support of COMITES of San Francisco and the Italian Consulate of San Francisco, with funding from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.